
Step Functions

AWS Step Functions are a powerful way to express long-running, complex workflows comprised of Lambda functions. With Sparta 0.20.2, you can build a State Machine as part of your application. This section walks through the three steps necessary to provision a sample “Roll Die” state machine using a single Lambda function. See SpartaStep for the full source.

Lambda Functions

The first step is to define the core Lambda function Task that will be our Step function’s core logic. In this example, we’ll define a rollDie function:

type lambdaRollResponse struct {
  Roll int `json:"roll"`

// Standard AWS λ function
func lambdaRollDie(ctx context.Context) (lambdaRollResponse, error) {
  return lambdaRollResponse{
    Roll: rand.Intn(5) + 1,
  }, nil

State Machine

Our state machine is simple: we want to keep rolling the die until we get a “good” result, with a delay in between rolls:

State Machine

To do this, we use the new functions to define the other states.

// Make all the Step states
lambdaTaskState := step.NewTaskState("lambdaRollDie", lambdaFn)
successState := step.NewSuccessState("success")
delayState := step.NewWaitDelayState("tryAgainShortly", 3*time.Second)
lambdaChoices := []step.ChoiceBranch{
    Comparison: &step.NumericGreaterThan{
      Variable: "$.roll",
      Value:    3,
    Next: delayState,
choiceState := step.NewChoiceState("checkRoll",

The Sparta state types correspond to their AWS States Spec equivalents:

The choiceState is the most interesting state: based on the JSON response of the lambdaRollDie, it will either transition to a delay or the success end state.

See godoc for the complete set of types.

The lambdaTaskState uses a normal Sparta function as in:

lambdaFn, _ := sparta.NewAWSLambda("StepRollDie",

lambdaFn.Options.MemorySize = 128
lambdaFn.Options.Tags = map[string]string{
  "myAccounting": "tag",

The final step is to hook up the state transitions for states that don’t implicitly include them, and create the State Machine:

// Hook up the transitions

// Startup the machine with a user-scoped name for account uniqueness
stateMachineName := spartaCF.UserScopedStackName("StateMachine")
startMachine := step.NewStateMachine(stateMachineName, lambdaTaskState)

At this point we have a potentially well-formed Lambda-powered State Machine. The final step is to attach this machine to the normal service definition.

Service Decorator

The return type from step.NewStateMachine(...) is a *step.StateMachine instance that exposes a ServiceDecoratorHook. Adding the hook to your service’s Workflow Hooks (similar to provisioning a service-scoped CloudWatch Dashboard) will include it in the CloudFormation template serialization:

// Setup the hook to annotate
workflowHooks := &sparta.WorkflowHooks{
  ServiceDecorator: startMachine.StateMachineDecorator(),
userStackName := spartaCF.UserScopedStackName("SpartaStep")
err := sparta.MainEx(userStackName,
  "Simple Sparta application that demonstrates AWS Step functions",

With the decorator attached, the next service provision request will include the state machine as above.

$ go run main.go provision --s3Bucket weagle
INFO[0000] ════════════════════════════════════════════════
INFO[0000] ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┌┬┐┌─┐   Version : 1.0.2
INFO[0000] ╚═╗├─┘├─┤├┬┘ │ ├─┤   SHA     : b37b93e
INFO[0000] ╚═╝┴  ┴ ┴┴└─ ┴ ┴ ┴   Go      : go1.9.2
INFO[0000] ════════════════════════════════════════════════
INFO[0000] Service: SpartaStep-mweagle                   LinkFlags= Option=provision UTC="2018-01-29T14:33:36Z"
INFO[0000] ════════════════════════════════════════════════
INFO[0000] Provisioning service                          BuildID=f7ade93d3900ab4b01c468c1723dedac24cbfa93 CodePipelineTrigger= InPlaceUpdates=false NOOP=false Tags=
INFO[0000] Verifying IAM Lambda execution roles
INFO[0000] IAM roles verified                            Count=1
INFO[0000] Checking S3 versioning                        Bucket=weagle VersioningEnabled=true
INFO[0000] Checking S3 region                            Bucket=weagle Region=us-west-2
INFO[0000] Running `go generate`
INFO[0000] Compiling binary                              Name=Sparta.lambda.amd64
INFO[0010] Creating code ZIP archive for upload          TempName=./.sparta/
INFO[0010] Lambda code archive size                      Size="13 MB"
INFO[0010] Uploading local file to S3                    Bucket=weagle Key=SpartaStep-mweagle/ Path=./.sparta/ Size="13 MB"
INFO[0020] Calling WorkflowHook                          ServiceDecoratorHook="*StateMachine).StateMachineDecorator.func1" WorkflowHookContext="map[]"
INFO[0020] Uploading local file to S3                    Bucket=weagle Key=SpartaStep-mweagle/SpartaStep_mweagle-cftemplate.json Path=./.sparta/SpartaStep_mweagle-cftemplate.json Size="3.7 kB"
INFO[0021] Creating stack                                StackID="arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123412341234:stack/SpartaStep-mweagle/6ff65180-0501-11e8-935b-50a68d01a629"
INFO[0094] CloudFormation provisioning metrics:
INFO[0094] Operation duration                            Duration=54.73s Resource=SpartaStep-mweagle Type="AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"
INFO[0094] Operation duration                            Duration=19.02s Resource=IAMRole49969e8a894b9eeea02a4936fb9519f2bd67dbe6 Type="AWS::IAM::Role"
INFO[0094] Operation duration                            Duration=18.69s Resource=StatesIAMRolee00aa3484b0397c676887af695abfd160104318a Type="AWS::IAM::Role"
INFO[0094] Operation duration                            Duration=2.60s Resource=StateMachine59f153f18068faa0b7fb588350be79df422ba5ef Type="AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine"
INFO[0094] Operation duration                            Duration=2.28s Resource=StepRollDieLambda7d9f8ab476995f16b91b154f68e5f5cc42601ebf Type="AWS::Lambda::Function"
INFO[0094] Stack provisioned                             CreationTime="2018-01-29 14:33:56.7 +0000 UTC" StackId="arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123412341234:stack/SpartaStep-mweagle/6ff65180-0501-11e8-935b-50a68d01a629" StackName=SpartaStep-mweagle
INFO[0094] ════════════════════════════════════════════════
INFO[0094] SpartaStep-mweagle Summary
INFO[0094] ════════════════════════════════════════════════
INFO[0094] Verifying IAM roles                           Duration (s)=0
INFO[0094] Verifying AWS preconditions                   Duration (s)=0
INFO[0094] Creating code bundle                          Duration (s)=10
INFO[0094] Uploading code                                Duration (s)=10
INFO[0094] Ensuring CloudFormation stack                 Duration (s)=73
INFO[0094] Total elapsed time                            Duration (s)=94


With the stack provisioned, the final step is to test the State Machine and see how lucky our die roll is. Navigate to the Step Functions service dashboard in the AWS Console and find the State Machine that was provisioned. Click the New Execution button and accept the default JSON. This sample state machine doesn’t interrogate the incoming data so the initial JSON is effectively ignored.

For this test the first roll was a 4, so there was only 1 path through the state machine. Depending on your die roll, you may see different state machine paths through the WaitState.

State Machine

Wrapping Up

AWS Step Functions are a powerful tool that allows you to orchestrate long running workflows using AWS Lambda. State functions are useful to implement the Saga pattern as in here and here. They can also be used to compose Lambda functions into more complex workflows that include parallel operations on shared data.


  • Minimal State machine validation is done at this time. See Tim Bray for more information.
  • Value interrogation is defined by JSONPath expressions