Managing Environments

It’s common for a single Sparta application to target multiple environments. For example:

  • Development
  • Staging
  • Production

Each environment is largely similar, but the application may need slightly different configuration in each context.

To support this, Sparta uses Go’s conditional compilation support to ensure that configuration information is validated at build time. Conditional compilation is supported via the --tags/-t command line argument.

This example will work through the SpartaConfig sample. The requirement is that each environment declare it’s Name and also add that value as a Stack Output.

Default Configuration

To start with, create the default configuration. This is the configuration that Sparta uses when provisioning your Stack and defines the environment configuration contract.

// +build !staging,!production
// file: environments/default.go

package environments

import (
  gocf ""
  sparta ""

// Name is the default configuration
const Name = ""

The important part is the set of excluded tags at the top of the file:

// +build !staging,!production

This ensures that the configuration is only eligible for compilation when Sparta goes to provision the service.

Environment Configuration

The next steps are to define the environment-specific configuration files:

// +build staging
// file: environments/staging.go

package environments

import (
  gocf ""
  sparta ""

// Name is the production configuration
const Name = "staging"

// +build production
// file: environments/production.go

package environments

import (
  gocf ""
  sparta ""

// Name is the production configuration
const Name = "production"

These three files define the set of compile-time mutually-exclusive sources that represent environment targets.

Segregating Services

The serviceName argument supplied to sparta.Main defines the AWS CloudFormation stack that supports your application. While the previous files represent different environments, they will collide at provision time since they share the same service name.

The serviceName can be specialized by using the buildTags in the service name definition as in:

fmt.Sprintf("SpartaHelloWorld-%s", sparta.OptionsGlobal.BuildTags),

Each time you run provision with a unique --tags value, a new CloudFormation stack will be created.

NOTE: This isn’t something suitable for production use as there could be multiple BuildTags values.

Enforcing Environments

The final requirement is to add the environment name as a Stack Output. To annotate the stack with the output value, we’ll register a ServiceDecorator and use the same conditional compilation support to compile the environment-specific version.

The main.go source file registers the workflow hook via:

hooks := &sparta.WorkflowHooks{
  Context:          map[string]interface{}{},
  ServiceDecorator: environments.ServiceDecoratorHook(sparta.OptionsGlobal.BuildTags),

Both environments/staging.go and environments/production.go define the same hook function:

func ServiceDecoratorHook(buildTags string) sparta.ServiceDecoratorHook {
  return func(context map[string]interface{},
    serviceName string,
    template *gocf.Template,
    S3Bucket string,
    S3Key string,
    buildID string,
    awsSession *session.Session,
    noop bool,
    logger *zerolog.Logger) error {
    template.Outputs["Environment"] = &gocf.Output{
      Description: "Sparta Config target environment",
      Value:       Name,
    return nil

The environments/default.go definition is slightly different. The “default” environment isn’t one that our service should actually deploy to. It simply exists to make the initial Sparta build (the one that cross compiles the AWS Lambda binary) compile. Build tags are applied to the AWS Lambda compiled binary that Sparta generates.

To prevent users from accidentally deploying to the “default” environment, the BuildTags are validated in the hook definition:

func ServiceDecoratorHook(buildTags string) sparta.ServiceDecoratorHook {
  return func(context map[string]interface{},
    serviceName string,
    template *gocf.Template,
    S3Bucket string,
    S3Key string,
    buildID string,
    awsSession *session.Session,
    noop bool,
    logger *zerolog.Logger) error {
    if len(buildTags) <= 0 {
      return fmt.Errorf("Please provide a --tags value for environment target")
    return nil


Putting everything together, the SpartaConfig service can deploy to either environment:


go run main.go provision --level info --s3Bucket $(S3_BUCKET) --noop --tags staging


go run main.go provision --level info --s3Bucket $(S3_BUCKET) --noop --tags production

Attempting to deploy to “default” generates an error:

INFO[0000] Welcome to SpartaConfig-                      Go=go1.7.1 Option=provision SpartaVersion=0.9.2 UTC=2016-10-12T04:07:35Z
INFO[0000] Provisioning service                          BuildID=550c9e360426f48201c885c0abeb078dfc000a0a NOOP=true Tags=
INFO[0000] Verifying IAM Lambda execution roles
INFO[0000] IAM roles verified                            Count=1
INFO[0000] Running `go generate`
INFO[0000] Compiling binary                              Name=SpartaConfig_.lambda.amd64
INFO[0008] Executable binary size                        KB=15309 MB=14
INFO[0008] Creating ZIP archive for upload               TempName=/Users/mweagle/Documents/gopath/src/
INFO[0009] Registering Sparta function                   FunctionName=main.helloWorld
INFO[0009] Lambda function deployment package size       KB=4262 MB=4
INFO[0009] Bypassing bucket expiration policy check due to -n/-noop command line argument  BucketName=weagle
INFO[0009] Bypassing S3 upload due to -n/-noop command line argument  Bucket=weagle Key=SpartaConfig-/SpartaConfig_104207098
INFO[0009] Calling WorkflowHook                 WorkflowHookContext=map[]
INFO[0009] Invoking rollback functions                   RollbackCount=0
ERRO[0009] Please provide a --tags value for environment target
Error: Please provide a --tags value for environment target
  main provision [flags]

  -i, --buildID string    Optional BuildID to use
  -s, --s3Bucket string   S3 Bucket to use for Lambda source
  -t, --tags string       Optional build tags to use for compilation

Global Flags:
  -l, --level string   Log level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
  -n, --noop           Dry-run behavior only (do not perform mutations)

ERRO[0009] Please provide a --tags value for environment target
exit status 1


  • Call ParseOptions to initialize sparta.OptionsGlobal.BuildTags field for use in a service name definition.
  • An alternative approach is to define a custom ArchiveHook and inject custom configuration into the ZIP archive. This data is available at Path.Join(env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT, ZIP_ARCHIVE_PATH)
  • See discfg, etcd, Consul (among others) for alternative, more dynamic discovery services.