
The CloudWatch Logs Lambda event source allows you to trigger lambda functions in response to either cron schedules or account events. There are three different archetype functions available.


Scheduled Lambdas execute either at fixed times or periodically depending on the schedule expression.

To create a scheduled function use a constructor as in:

import (
  awsLambdaEvents ""
  spartaArchetype ""
// CloudWatch reactor function
func reactorFunc(ctx context.Context,
  cwLogs awsLambdaEvents.CloudwatchLogsEvent) (interface{}, error) {
  logger, _ := ctx.Value(sparta.ContextKeyRequestLogger).(*zerolog.Logger)

    Interface("Event", cwLogs).
    Msg("Cron triggered")
  return "Hello World 👋. Welcome to AWS Lambda! 🙌🎉🍾", nil

func main() {
  // ...
  handler := spartaArchetype.CloudWatchLogsReactorFunc(reactorFunc)
  subscriptions := map[string]string{
    "every5Mins": "rate(5 minutes)",
  lambdaFn, lambdaFnErr := spartaArchetype.NewCloudWatchScheduledReactor(handler, subscriptions, nil)


Lambda functions triggered in response to CloudWatch Events use event patterns to select which events should trigger your function’s execution.

To create an event subscriber use a constructor as in:

// CloudWatch reactor function
func reactorFunc(ctx context.Context,
  cwLogs awsLambdaEvents.CloudwatchLogsEvent) (interface{}, error) {
  logger, _ := ctx.Value(sparta.ContextKeyRequestLogger).(*zerolog.Logger)

    Interface("Event", cwLogs).
    Msg("Cron triggered")

  return "Hello World 👋. Welcome to AWS Lambda! 🙌🎉🍾", nil

func main() {
  // ...
  handler := spartaArchetype.CloudWatchLogsReactorFunc(reactorFunc)
  subscriptions := map[string]string{
    "ec2StateChanges": map[string]interface{}{
      "source":      []string{"aws.ec2"},
      "detail-type": []string{"EC2 Instance state change"},
  lambdaFn, lambdaFnErr := spartaArchetype.NewCloudWatchEventedReactor(handler, subscriptions, nil)


Both NewCloudWatchScheduledReactor and NewCloudWatchEventedReactor are convenience functions for the generic NewCloudWatchReactor constructor. For example, it’s possible to create a scheduled lambda execution using the generic constructor as in:

func main() {
  // ...
  subscriptions := map[string]sparta.CloudWatchEventsRule{
    "every5Mins": sparta.CloudWatchEventsRule{
      ScheduleExpression: "rate(5 minutes)",
  lambdaFn, lambdaFnErr := spartaArchetype.NewCloudWatchReactor(handler, subscriptions, nil)